by | Sep 30, 2014 | The Thompson Family
This is MacKenzie’s last year playing volleyball. She is a senior and grandma and I wonder where the time went. It seems like yesterday we were watching her playing Jr High volleyball in the North gym. We are proud also that she is considered by teammates and...
by | Sep 30, 2014 | Mike/Monica Family
The St. Louis JV football team played Michigan Lutheran Seminary at home on Thursday, September 25, 2014. Dylan is #22 in black wearing red football gloves. The slideshow will begin automatically. However you can view the images individually by moving your cursor to...
by | Sep 15, 2014 | The Thompson Family
ABC 12 – WJRT – Flint, MI Friday, September 12, 2014 MacKenzie speaks to the TV12 cameras about Ithaca’s football game later on that night with Michigan Lutheran Seminary. This was filmed at 5:00 a.m. See if you can see MacKelle in the...
by | Aug 2, 2014 | Ireland
It has been a very long day with an even longer one coming tomorrow. We spent most of the day at the Guinness StoreFront at St. James Gate Dublin. I am too tired to elaborate, but suffice it to say it was a great ending to what was a fantastic trip. Tomorrow is travel...
by | Aug 1, 2014 | All of Us, Ireland
We concluded our stay in Tullycross with another great breakfast at the Maol Reidh hotel. Our waitress this morning was the same young lass that checked us into the hotel two days ago. If you saw this young lady in a crowd you would pick her out as being Irish....
by | Jul 31, 2014 | Ireland
Had a great breakfast this morning at our hotel in Tullycross, the Maol Reidh. Then we left for the port city of Cleggan, a 20 minute drive down the west coast of Ireland. We took a 20 minute ferry ride out to Innishboffin, a magical island 17 miles out into the open...
by | Jul 30, 2014 | All of Us, Ireland
Most of rural Ireland does not have hi-speed internet. In fact the parts of Ireland where our family is visiting does not even have fiber optic internet cabling. What this means is that I am having trouble getting images to load. Frequently as I start to insert...
by | Jul 28, 2014 | All of Us, Ireland
Words and pictures cannot begin to express the raw, powerful beauty of Achill Island a place where the mountains come down to the sea. With all of its natural beauty however, Achill Island has a cruel side to it …. the winter months. The summer months will...
by | Jul 28, 2014 | All of Us, Ireland
For Michael, Shawn, and Corey today began at 4:30 a.m. when they left our B&B, the Boffin Lodge, to go 5 miles down the road to climb Croagh (the Gaelic word for mountain) Patrick. As most people know worldwide, St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and the...